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How ParcelYogi works


More shopping

ParcelYogi works in three simple steps. The first step starts with you signing up on ParcelYogi. Once you sign up, you will receive a proprietary address which is also our office in Hyderabad.

Shop Your Heart Out

Shop at any Indian website of your choice. When checking out, add our address in the shipping form. Place the order on your favorite website and intimate us regarding the delivery. You can do this under your account information.

Don't want to shop? That is okay too. You can ship all your products to us and we’ll ship it for you in a consolidated package.


Ship Your Parcels Beyond Borders

Once you’ve informed us about your incoming package, we will await the delivery for you. Once delivered, we will update you the same. You can choose whether you want to ship your products immediately or hold it until your other package comes in.

After we’ve received all your packages, we are now ready to ship at your discretion. We will, meanwhile, pack all your packages into one consolidated package, thus, saving costs.


Save Loads of Cash

Shipping one consolidated package instead of multiple packages will help you save money on freight charges, packaging and other hidden costs. At ParcelYogi, we also have transparent shipping plans that you can choose before you choose to ship. Choose the plan that makes you happy and ship away!
